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Publishing as Artistic Practices as a Form of Creativity and Distinction: An Investigation on the Narrative Disarray Inside and Outside of the Fields of “Xiao Zhi” and “Artists’ Books” Throughout the Past Decade in Taiwan ’, in ‘Journal of Taipei Fine Arts Museum’, published by Taipei Fine Arts Museum. 2021. 



當製書是創作也是秀異: 初探臺灣近十年「小誌」與「藝術家的書」場域內外的敘述混戰,刊於現代美術學報,42期,臺北市立美術館,2021。 

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近年來(2011-2021)在臺灣愈發可見以紙本為創作載體的「小誌(Xiao Zhi)」與「藝術家的書(Artists’ Books)」兩者同時出現於文化生產場域,如展覽或藝術書展(Art Book Fair)及相關交流,兩個文化生產場域的公開敘述亦日益蓬勃。


以臺灣現有研究述之,「小誌」名詞是約2013 年時命名典範的轉移結果,其脈絡與獨立刊物、zine 在臺灣近年的發展有關,而在文化生產場域內則多以不定義、不分類作為推廣的方式;與此同時,臺灣「藝術家的書」的研究與推廣則多以創作個案為主。而近十年來,兩個文化生產場域漸有系統化討論的趨勢。然而,在兩個文化生產場域於社群、行動者、和面對創作及定義的差異前提下,因出現部分媒體與推廣者於公開敘述強化秀異,與過往場域內強調不分類等慣習不同,形成概念混雜的敘述混戰現象。


In recent years (2011-2021), paper-based “Xiao Zhi” and “Artists' Books” have both appeared in the cultural fields, such as exhibitions and art book fairs, as well as related platforms for exchange. In addition, the open narratives between the two cultural fields have also increased.

According to current research in Taiwan, the term “Xiao Zhi” results from a naming paradigm shift around 2013 and is related to the recent developmental context of independent publications and zine in Taiwan. Inside the field, “Xiao Zhi” is promoted by not defining or categorizing the term. Throughout the past decade, the research and promotion of “artists’ book” have mainly focused on individual creative cases, while there are traces that the term is being discussed in a more systemized manner. However, due to insuffcient open critique in the past and burgeoning open narratives in recent years, discrepancies have appeared between the two cultural fields when mentioned by communities, activists, as well as when facing the creative act and definitions, which leads to parts of media and promotors emphasizing distinction in public discourses; this is different from the former approach where the two are not categorized within the field and has resulted in narrative disarray.

This paper adopts the concept of Cultural Field and explores the public discourses regarding “Xiao Zhi” and “artists’ books” during the past ten years to investigate the changes in the field, clarify the common concepts that appear in public narratives, and propose the value of public discourse in contemporary art. The discourse is structured with the hopes that current research and discussions on “Xiao Zhi” and “artists’ books” in Taiwan will be included in the evaluation and observation of “publishing as artistic practice” in contemporary art and enrich future practices and discussions.

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